► Imaginative forms, surprising colours, rich patterns, cheeky humour: for free minds unfettered by convention, glass and clay offer an endless playground for intriguing and expressive experimentation.
Collection Kakkonen is one of Finland’s most prestigious private collections of Finnish design. Assembled by businessman and art patron Kyösti Kakkonen, it comprises over 10,000 works of Finnish glass and ceramic design – most of them one-offs – dating from the late 19th century to the present day.
The masterpieces from this extensive private collection are now highlighted in the Masters of Glass and Clay series, which showcases Collection Kakkonen more comprehensively than any prior publication. The six richly illustrated volumes, each with its own theme, introduce 2,000 works by 36 artists.
Featured Artists:
Birger Kaipiainen
Helena Tynell
Francesca Mascitti-Lindh
Oiva Toikka