Johanna Lecklin

Kadonneet kuvat, kätketyt kertomukset | Försvunna bilder, dolda berättelser | Lost Images, Hidden Stories

170 x 230 mm, hard cover
120 pages
Writers Johanna Lecklin, Sini Mononen, Ulla Savolainen, Juha-Heikki Tihinen
Editor Johanna Lecklin
Layout Ville Karppanen
Finnish, Swedish, English
ISBN 978-952-7441-99-2
March 2025
38 €

Johanna Lecklin is an artist and researcher who has devoted the past few years to exploring stories and storytelling, especially narratives and discourses associated with the events of the Finnish Civil War of 1918. This collection of essays discusses Lecklin’s art in relation to alternative readings of history and art’s ability to raise topically relevant issues by revisiting past events. The writers examine practices of remembering and disremembering the Finnish Civil War, while also reflecting on ethical issues raised by Lecklin’s revisitation of a painful chapter in Finnish history.

The essays are authored by the artist herself, Ulla Savolainen, folklorist and lecturer specializing in cultural memory and memory studies at the University of Helsinki, Sini Mononen, art scholar and independent researcher, and Juha-Heikki Tihinen, art historian, curator and university lecturer.