
Aikoja ja paikkoja

135 x 210 mm, hard cover, dust jacket
88 pages + image appendix
Writer: Riitta Nikula
Layout: Ville Karppanen
ISBN 978-952-7441-73-2
29 €

All human-built environments tell a story to the attentive observer. The layers of history that are present in a mundane urban setting or unprepossessing cultural landscape rarely scream for attention or insist upon the viewer extoling the merits of their builders and architects. How we interpret a place is linked to our values and experiences. Time, too, is always present in our experience of a place.

The relationship between space, place and time is the subject of this anthology of writings by art historian and architecture researcher Riitta Nikula, who has devoted the past five decades to the study of cityscapes, landscapes, place and space. Moving slowly, whether walking or cycling leisurely, her gaze is drawn to small miracles in our daily milieu. Nikula’s essays, columns and transcribed speeches present a candid self-portrait that recounts the story of how the erstwhile Ilta-Sanomat reporter ended up making her mark as a professor of art history.