210 x 255 mm, hard cover
310 pages
Writers: Kirsti Bergström, Seppo Seitsalo, Ilkka Taipale, Markku Valkonen
Layout Timo Setälä
Finnish (+ summaries in Swedish and English)
ISBN 978-952-7441-87-9
42 €
“Art prolongs life” is a truth not to be scoffed at. The positive health impacts of engaging with art have been scientifically verified by countless studies. This incontestable fact is one of the key reasons why so much art has been acquired for display in Finnish hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities. Supporting artists’ livelihoods is another important motivation for public art procurement. Since the founding of the HUS Arts Committee in 2012, more than 3,000 artworks – paintings, graphic art, photography and sculptures – have been acquired for the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District. The collection has also been augmented with major art donations. This book provides a chronicle and overview of the extensive HUS collection, while also reflecting on art’s scientifically proven positive impacts on health and wellbeing. The book will accompany an exhibition to be held at Kunsthalle Helsinki.